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AV Trends to watch in 2024

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As we step into the new year, the AV landscape continues to evolve, bringing forth innovative trends that redefine how we experience audio and visual content across various industries. In this blog post, we'll delve into the top trends shaping the AV industry in 2024.

Hybrid Events:

Even as we move further away from the pandemic, it is evident that the hybrid model is here to stay and have become a preferred method in some cases. These events allow attendees to participate either physically or virtually, leveraging AV technology to ensure a seamless experience for both in-person and remote audiences. AV setups for hybrid events often include high-quality cameras, microphones, and streaming equipment to facilitate smooth communication between remote and on-site participants.

Technology in the office:

In keeping with the hybrid theme for 2024, there also a need for more flexible consumption models within the office. Gone are the days of a boardroom full of people, so therefore AV needs to adapt and change to this type of situation. Instead of generally designed conference rooms, they need to be designed in the way that they are not being used.  Over-developed, over-designed conference rooms are going away, and instead more simplistic designs are on the rise, that are user friendly and are suited to the nature of the company.

AI in AV Design:

AI was a big conversation in 2023, and it looks like that will continue into 2024. While many may be on the fence about AI, it can be useful in the world of AV. AI-driven VR can help clients visualize what their environments will look and sound like in real life. Now more than ever, people want to be able to see (or hear!) a clear picture of that their systems will look like, and AI plays a pivotal role in making that happen. For example, if a designer can pinpoint where meeting participants will be situated in a room, a well-programmed AI should be able to determine the best microphones and speakers for the application, as well as their positioning. The same could apply to lighting and visual boards. While design requires both the skill and art of trained AV professionals, AI has the potential to help designers make better use of their time and ultimately end up with more satisfied clients.


For many years, IT managers discouraged people from using their own devices at work because of the associated security risks. In the hybrid work model, though, BYOD is largely unavoidable. During conferences or events, BYOD facilitates audience engagement through various applications or platforms. Attendees can use their devices to interact with presentations, ask questions, participate in polls or surveys, and access supplementary materials.

Immersive Environments:

Immersive environments in corporate offices can help to draw employees back into the office and keep them engaged during meetings. Thoughtfully designed immersive environments and being in a modern, technologically advanced space reflects well on employers and can make your business attractive to new employees as well. A high-quality immersive environment with dvLED and OLED displays can not only be used for digital signage and hybrid conferencing but can be transformed into a production space as well. There is also an aesthetic argument for for deploying an immersive environment to draw visitors or alter how a space looks and feels.

For more information on how the AV landscape is looking for 2024, or to grow your AV team, please reach out to the team at Patch Tech Staffing today.


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